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5 Reasons Why You Should Work with a Canadian-based AS/RS Company

Canada’s Automated Storage and Retrieval System (AS/RS) industry is experiencing a period of robust growth, fueled by a confluence of favorable factors. This presents tremendous opportunities for Canadian-based businesses looking to work with a supply chain partner that’s also located right here in Canada. Of course, there are reasons beyond national pride to do business with a Canadian AS/RS company. The country’s thriving economy, rich talent pool, and generous government benefits provide plenty of incentive to work with domestic automated warehouse firms.

5 Reasons Why You Should Work with a Canadian-based AS/RS Company

1. Strong Domestic Market

Canada is a top 10 global economy and has seen one of the fastest post-COVID recoveries in the developed world. The economy is now 103% the size it was before the pandemic despite inflationary pressures. This rapid recovery has only helped to fuel the thriving ecosystem for AS/RS companies. The Canadian market is packed with a diverse range of large and flourishing companies that recognize the enormous potential of automation and are willing to invest in new technologies. As their customers push for improvements in efficiency and cost-effectiveness, Canadian AS/RS companies have made tremendous strides to support growing demand. With such a strong domestic market, there’s little reason to look beyond Canada’s borders when evaluating AS/RS solutions capable of scaling with demand.

2. Increased Flexibility

Although Canada has long encouraged various forms of foreign investment and is generally quite open to international firms, these companies are subject to certain restrictions under the Investment Canada Act. Established in 1985, this evolving federal law allows the Canadian government to review significant investments (usually $5 million or greater) made by foreign businesses to ensure that they encourage “investment, economic growth, and employment opportunities in Canada.” While the law has rarely been invoked to reject a proposal, complying with the notification process imposes an administrative burden that limits business flexibility. Working with Canadian companies renders the law a moot point, however, allowing firms to make investments and undertake initiatives without worry about additional requirements placed upon foreign businesses.

3. Rich Talent Pool

Another key advantage of the Canadian tech market is its abundance of skilled talent. It's no secret that a company's success is largely determined by the quality of its workforce, and in this regard, Canada is exceptionally well positioned. The nation boasts a vibrant talent pool brimming with highly skilled engineers and technicians, many of whom possess deep expertise in the field of automation. This abundance of talent has helped Canadian AS/RS companies make substantial progress towards their ambitious goals. It's the human touch and creativity behind the machines combined with the expertise needed to transform groundbreaking ideas into practical, customer-focused solutions. For Canadian-based firms, this rich talent pool underlines the capacity of Canada’s AS/RS companies to develop and deliver groundbreaking solutions that enhance their business. Ultimately, the country’s dynamic workforce stands as a testament to its commitment to nurturing top-tier talent, ready to drive the automation industry forward.

4. Government Support

Robust government investment is a vital pillar of the success story of Canadian AS/RS companies. The Canadian government has demonstrated a forward-thinking approach towards the automation industry, recognizing its transformative potential for both domestic economy and global competitiveness. Their commitment to this burgeoning field can be seen in forward thinking programs like the Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax incentives designed to spur businesses to invest in automation. These range from generous tax incentives to grants and funding opportunities that substantially reduce the financial burdens associated with innovation and expansion. For Canadian AS/RS companies, this supportive environment has provided a tailwind propelling them towards growth and success. The backing of the Canadian government not only alleviates financial stress but also instills confidence in their endeavors, providing a conducive climate for their innovations to flourish.

But the benefits don’t stop there. Both the national government and provincial governments offer a variety of grants and development programs that are open exclusively to Canadian companies. Canada’s 2022 federal budget included nearly $30 billion in funding for various programs and initiatives designed to foster economic growth, not including assorted tax incentives related to investment in new technologies and eco-friendly practices. Canada’s provincial governments also look favorably on business agreements between Canadian firms, providing yet another incentive for companies to work with domestic partners.

5. Better Understanding

Canada’s unique history has left the country with a diverse and rich culture that sets it apart from other nations. Foreign businesses often fail to appreciate those differences and treat their counterparts as they might a US or UK company, which could easily result in miscommunication or misaligned expectations. By working with a fellow Canadian firm, companies can ensure that they’re collaborating with a partner that understands how they operate and what they value from a business and cultural standpoint. Canadian firms are also better equipped to navigate language barriers within the country, which prevents further miscommunication.

Why Attabotics Stands Out as a Leader in Canada’s AS/RS Industry

In the fast-paced world of AS/RS, Attabotics stands as a beacon of innovation and leadership, a compelling testament to Canada's vibrant tech industry. Built on the transformative idea of ant-inspired automation, we didn't just follow the trend; we redefined it. Nestled within Calgary's dynamic tech scene, Attabotics capitalizes on the city's unique attributes - a burgeoning tech ecosystem, robust investment environment, and a rich pool of skilled talent. This strategic positioning not only allowed us to foster a team of over 300 unique 'Attapeeps' but also integrate deeply within the community, contributing to its continued growth and innovation.

But our impact goes beyond Calgary or even Canada. Attabotics’ commitment to local manufacturing and in-house development has enabled us to quickly and effectively respond to changing global market demands, providing high-quality, personalized solutions to customers worldwide. This strategy of nearshoring has not only sped up processes but also fortified control over our supply chain, allowing for quick scalability. Our unique blend of local commitment and global vision, combined with a relentless focus on innovation and quality, has firmly established Attabotics as a trailblazer in Canada's AS/RS market. Partnering with us is more than a business opportunity for fellow Canada-based companies; it's a chance to be part of a transformative movement in the world of automation.